Ideal Rods


Repair anything with a single twist!
Easy to use
Aluminum, copper, titanium, brass, galvanized metals and magnesium



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Ideal Rod is a ternary fluxless alloy of zinc, copper and aluminum. It welds and brazes aluminum, copper, titanium, brass, galvanized metals and magnesium. With this simple blowtorch, you can repair carburetors (car, motorcycle, tractor), footrests, any aluminum or magnesium object, condensers, heavy farm machinery, irrigation pipes, boat propellers and hulls, gutters, eaves, etc. You can also use it to seal rivets, repair aluminum gates, do plumbing, chamfer two items and braze various kinds of materials. Use an iron support for items with a diameter greater than 1.6 cm. When done, the weld can be sanded and painted. Tear strength is 2230 kg/cm2. Warning: Ideal Rod cannot be used to repair safety devices.

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